Impact report

Every charity needs to be able to demonstrate the difference it has made. This is quite a challenging exercise for many charities, and it is especially so for grant-making trusts and foundations that are reliant on the projects they fund to make a difference individually first. Impact doesn’t happen straightaway either, the journey can be a long one before positive change becomes evident.

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Our framework

The Road Safety Trust has spent several years developing a framework that is unique to it as a grant-giving charity in the specific field of road safety. It was important to us that it makes sense to everyone, not just those within the road safety sector.

We are pleased to be in a position where we can now share the approach that we’ve taken, together with the results of our first five years of grant-giving and 25 completed projects.

We appreciate how it can take several years following a project’s completion for its impact to become evident, but with our Road Safety Trust Safe System Wheel as a framework and our grantees as partners, we will be able to continue to capture and monitor the impact of projects we have funded. This enables us to articulate the difference we are making – through our funding – to improve road safety for everyone around the UK.